Sunday, December 18, 2011

Happy 6th Monthsary Baby :)

Hey Baby. Surprise surprise. No? I know its not on time but at least its on the correct date right? Okay. First of all, I want to remind you how much I love you. I love you! 

We've been together for 6 months now baby. Laju kan that. It feels like baru yesterday we jumpa each other bah. Funny how before we were official, we're already like.. you know. Naughty. Like couples already. So yeah, look how far we've come baby. Despite the crap I put you through, you're still here with me. Just so you know now, I'm shivering(haruskah padah?) Cold okay. Raining. I imagined a lot of stuff tonight. Like, we would be playing under the rain by now. Or you'll be playing the guitar, and maybe sing for me? Yes? Or probably just going to annoy each other. OR you'll make me cry for being too sweet! Ugh and OMG. Remember our 5th monthsary, its like last month. So fast kan baby? And you made me cry just by reading your text. Sigh, I love you I love you. Currently listening to 6 months now. Wish to have you in arms now baby, I'll let you be manja tonight. :')
I love the way you smile.
I love how you have that unique pout of yours.
I love the way you talk.
I love the way you hold on.
I love how you make me feel safe.
I love how you'll always remind me every single day how much you love me.
I love that you're always there for me, no matter what the consequences is.
I love how you always know what to do and say.
I love love love your smell. :p
I love the way you stare at me.
I love watching you sleep at night.
I love how you'll never let me go, even in your sleep.
I love how annoying you can get.
I love how retarded you can get, and there's just time I feel like punching you.
I love how you selalu layan my "manjaness."
I love how you always kiss my forehead even on random times.
I love how we hold hands in the car.
Your voice in the morning. When you're sleepy. When you sing. ;)
I love how you sanggup lend me your favourite shirt. And honestly, I don't feel like giving it back.
I love the fact that you even followed me for my check up at the hospital.
I love how you'll always wait for me to sleep first, then you'll sleep. but then you also memang cannot sleep. Haha.
I love how you'll get annoyed when I kacau your hair. 
Sigh. I hate it when I always want to cry. Baby.. Rindu you :(
.And also.
Baby, I’m sorry that you had go through all this. You don’t deserve this sort of treatment from me. You don’t deserve it at all. I’m sorry for hurting you. I promise you that I will really try my best to control my mood. Im sorry and really love you very much. I promise to try my best so we can live happily k. I love you very very much. Oh! And did I mention how much I miss youuuhhh?! I do. :)
Dear Keith,
Happy 6th-Monthsary to you!
Thanks for all the precious moments especially when we're together.
Thanks for loving me of course.
I'm happy to know that you love me more and more each days.
I myself too! Love you deeper and deeper as time goes by.
Hopefully there are more and more anniversaries for us to celebrate together!

Yours truly 

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